I think The British National Corpus could do the job. It's a large and free corpus labeled at document, sentence and paragraph level (but also word level, so you'll have a lot of useless xml tags to clean).
It's a big file. The best, for testing, is probably to download the Baby edition (less than 200 Mb once uncompressed). As you can see in the sample below, the documents are labelled <wtext>
, the paragraphs <p>
, the sentences <s>
(and the words <w>
, of course).
<bncDoc xml:id="A9Y">
<wtext type="NEWS">
<div level="1" n="13-DEC-89 edition, page 39">
<s n="1">
<w c5="NN1" hw="obituary" pos="SUBST">Obituary</w>
<c c5="PUN">: </c>
<w c5="NP0" hw="dr" pos="SUBST">Dr </w>
<w c5="NP0" hw="jack" pos="SUBST">Jack </w>
<w c5="NP0" hw="kahn" pos="SUBST">Kahn</w>
<c c5="PUN">.</c>
<s n="1">
<w c5="CRD" hw="one" pos="ADJ">ONE </w>
<w c5="PRF" hw="of" pos="PREP">of </w>
<w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
<w c5="NN2" hw="luminary" pos="SUBST">luminaries </w>
<w c5="PRF" hw="of" pos="PREP">of </w>
<w c5="NN1" hw="child" pos="SUBST">child </w>
<w c5="NN1" hw="psychiatry" pos="SUBST">psychiatry </w>
<w c5="VHZ" hw="have" pos="VERB">has </w>
<w c5="VVN" hw="leave" pos="VERB">left </w>
<w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">us</w>
<c c5="PUN">.</c>
<s n="2">
<w c5="NP0" hw="jack" pos="SUBST">Jack </w>
<w c5="NP0" hw="kahn" pos="SUBST">Kahn </w>
<w c5="VVD" hw="graduate" pos="VERB">graduated </w>
<w c5="PRP" hw="with" pos="PREP">with </w>
<w c5="NN2" hw="honour" pos="SUBST">honours </w>
<w c5="PRP" hw="at" pos="PREP">at </w>
<w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
<w c5="NN1" hw="university" pos="SUBST">University </w>
<w c5="PRF" hw="of" pos="PREP">of </w>
<w c5="NP0" hw="leeds" pos="SUBST">Leeds </w>
<w c5="PRP" hw="in" pos="PREP">in </w>
<w c5="CRD" hw="1928" pos="ADJ">1928 </w>
<w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
<w c5="VVN-VVD" hw="achieve" pos="VERB">achieved </w>
<w c5="AT0" hw="an" pos="ART">an </w>
<w c5="NN1" hw="md" pos="SUBST">MD </w>
<w c5="PRP" hw="from" pos="PREP">from </w>
<w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
<w c5="DT0" hw="same" pos="ADJ">same </w>
<w c5="NN1" hw="university" pos="SUBST">university</w>
<c c5="PUN">.</c>
Hope this help.