For a reasearch i'm doing I need a data set as sepcified in the head line. I'm already familliar with JESTER, and I wonder if there are any other available sets of this sort, , since i dind't find any.

I would like to have more data about the user (JESTER has only a user i.d. and jokes ratings): gender, age, location, education, etc. Also, jokes that are short and has some formula behind it, for example "you have two cows..." and unlike JESTER's jokes that are long and varied, are prefered

  • What meta data do you need associated with the jokes/cartoons? Please edit your question.
    – user4293
    Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 11:35
  • @JanDoggen I would like to have data about the user: gender, age, location, education, etc. Also, jokes that are short and has some fomula behind it, for example "you have two cows..." and unlike JESTER's jokes that are long and varied, are prefered.
    – proton
    Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 18:19
  • 1
    I asked you to edit your question. Comments can disappear.
    – user4293
    Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 20:12

1 Answer 1


Not a super easy idea to implement, but you can use posts to sub-reddits like /r/jokes. Users then have a profile of posts and comments that you can scan and categorize, and each joke has a rating (up- or down-votes) and comments.

You can access the data with a Reddit data dump

Other subreddits

I couldn't find a "joke" meta-reddit:

Example:  https://www.reddit.com/r/jokes+dadjokes

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