I would like to know if there is any kind open/standard resume or Curriculum Viate format which allows interchanging of resumes between systems.
Any hint?
I would like to know if there is any kind open/standard resume or Curriculum Viate format which allows interchanging of resumes between systems.
Any hint?
ResumeRDF seems to be the most "ontological" approach to normalization of CV information. The W3C has another article about ResumeRDF with further links.
i guess this is an old question, but there is HR-XML now. http://schemas.liquid-technologies.com/hr-xml/2007-04-15/
h-resume (formally hresume) is a simple, open format for publishing resumes and CVs on on the web. h-resume is one of several open microformat draft standards suitable for embedding data in HTML.
h-resume is the microformats2 version of hresume.
Take a look at the EU Europass project.
CVs can be saved out in a Europass XML format.
The open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. For developers, by developers.
There's a fairly extensive ecosystem of open-source tools around this format.