I am doing a research paper about how immigration impactimpacts GDP, and I would like to know where can I foundfind data about: H-1 (Work visa) who:
Who is coming to U.Sthe US because of work, and which state does he/she enter.?
For example: Paul is formfrom the UK, and he got a H-1B visa, and he is working for a company in CA, starting atin 2008.
I would like to have the data from 1994 to 2013, or, 1993-2013. (It
t doesn't matter which country they are from, and what industries. I just want to know each State's number of H1 visa by year by States)state.
I tried the Department of states, USCIS, Department of Labor, and more, and still can not foundfind the data I was looking for in the past 10 years.