5 votes

USA Road Network Data Set Options?

OpenStreetMap hosts an open source google maps like database from which you can download all the map elements, from which you can filter all the roads according to the type of road you want. The speed ...
Swier's user avatar
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4 votes

Fleet (Transportration) Dataset

The exact data you are looking for is kept private as it is a competitive advantage. You have two options on getting the resolution of data you would like: Go work for the business you would like to ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
4 votes

traffic statistics by roads or parts of any German city

The GeoPortal Deutschland has a list of sources from which to pull GIS data. A first stop might be Open Data Berlin's FIS-Broker provides a pretty nice dataset. If you are not German speaking the ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
4 votes

Traffic/roadworks record for Greater London

You can find the data here -: https://www.datazar.com/file/fc210d5e3-f0a6-489a-9fe0-e06f3da140cb P.S - I work for datazar, an open data library, where people can share, discover and work with data.
Pramit's user avatar
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4 votes

Tagged (non-anonymized) GPS driver trip database

OpenStreetMap hosts GPS Traces that are uploaded by the community. Not all are for driving, but you can probably screen GPS tracks for total distance to find driving ones. Or screen for users that ...
philshem's user avatar
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3 votes

USA Road Network Data Set Options?

The National Transportation Atlas Database provides a roadway network and data to accomplish this: NTAD Liner Notes Highway Performance Monitoring System - This includes data for speed limits (795 MB)...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
3 votes

Data of vehicle traffic

California Performance measurement system (PEMS) has 5 minute and raw sensor data, as well as many levels of aggregation: http://pems.dot.ca.gov/ EDIT: Been looking through this and it's an awesome ...
Clark Fitzgerald's user avatar
2 votes

Where can I find data about traffic flow for European cities?

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies in France has data on traffic for national highways, railways and air traffic. This is their open database on Quandl: https://www.quandl.com/...
user37317's user avatar
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Data of vehicle traffic

There is a newly released dataset from ETH-Zürich https://utd19.ethz.ch/ The Institute for Transport Planning and Systems ETH Zurich collected the data in a research campaign from 2017-2019. The data ...
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

Automobile accident data in the US

Update (May 2019): Check this new release: https://smoosavi.org/datasets/us_accidents. It contains more than 2.25 million traffic accident records which took place within the US, and will be ...
Sobhan Moosavi's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any dataset of Indian Traffics Signs?

I would do a google search "road signs India". I found this Wikipedia article had some clear pictures with descriptions in English. If you want Hindi or other language translation, I suspect a google ...
Marcus D's user avatar
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2 votes

Any AVL raw and open data?

Phoenix has AVL datasets, and some other documents
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

Protected left turn traffic signal data

OSM has this data, you can search for tags here. You can read more here: Mapping Turning Lanes in OpenStreetMap, and view key turn's documentation here. OpenStreetMap's Forum is essentially Stack ...
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

Data on road traffic in Germany

You can get the traffic data unofficially from TomTom, both "average" and "live" for any city (?) by using the API endpoint found in the Developer Tools --> Network. https://api.midway.tomtom.com/...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.6k
2 votes

Get coordinates form TMC (Traffic Message Channel) location codes

TMC Location lists are not that open, but some European countries offer them up to the public. OSM them into OSM data, you could use OSM TMC or try to reverse engineer it. As far as decoding goes: ...
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
2 votes

San Francisco traffic lights green/yellow/red timings

Traffic Technology Services provides live traffic light status (red, yellow , green, etc...) data. For San Francisco, it might be available via https://datasf.org/
M.W.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Local Accident Data

US Accidents (3.5 million records) A Countrywide Traffic Accident Dataset (2016 - 2020) This dataset has been collected in real-time, using multiple Traffic APIs. Currently, it contains accident data ...
Orophile's user avatar
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Data on road traffic in Germany

Look at https://mcloud.de/, which is the open data portal of the German Ministry of Traffic and Infrastructure. They have links to various datasets from various areas of interest, including traffic.
user149408's user avatar
1 vote

Need road condition data for the Washington DC area

opendata.dc.gov actually has some really nice datasets. DC is also a great choice for this, because it has so much good data over a very small area. Code for DC has a lot of data too, but ...
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

Need road condition data for the Washington DC area

http://biz.weather.com/WU-Data-API_Data-Package-Demo-Request.html looks like it may have all the data you need. Having said that, I'm viewing this on a small display so I can't tell if there is any ...
S M's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Seeking historical traffic data matching OpenStreetMap dataset?

You are going to need to process the data yourself. This type of data isn’t collected against osm because there is no guarantee of consistency
Stevetech's user avatar
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Where can I get the Beijing ring road traffic data (speed of vehicles)?

A week's worth of GPS traces from 10,357 taxis in Beijing: http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/?id=152883
Tim C's user avatar
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1 vote

Reputable source to get foot traffic in Australia based on different locations

There is no open data source that I am aware of that would be able to provide foot traffic at the hourly level for the method you are looking for. That being said, an option would be to look up recent ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
1 vote

Seeking free traffic Data of the world

For the Netherlands, this data is available from the NDW, a cooperation of traffic management of various local and regional entities. The data is available both real-time and (limited) historical. ...
Swier's user avatar
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Seeking free traffic Data of the world

The Open Traffic Collection has both annual and live data, but you’d have to go through each data set individually. I have compiled a list of data sources myself at https://gitlab.com/traffxml/...
user149408's user avatar
1 vote

Seeking free traffic Data of the world

This data does not exist in the format you require. You will need to source it for each country and transform it to a consistent schema to meet your needs.
Stevetech's user avatar
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priority roads data

I used to work in this field and this data for any large geography is not available from an open source that I know of. I know at least three private companies that hold such data.
If you do not know- just GIS's user avatar
1 vote

Open data in US which can provide with live traffic?

Does transit count as traffic? GTFS transit feeds for most of the US can be found at Transit feeds I'm not sure what UUID is, I'm assuming its the id for each point on that map; the data-link you ...
albert's user avatar
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NJ Highway accident hot spots

Did you check the The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) portal? Most of the data seems to be in PDF format but it is there.
magdmartin's user avatar
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public data on vehicle speed/acceleration for a route, for multiple trips

Many years later... (to anyone of interest), found this by chance, gyro, accelerometer vs long, lat for a study to predcit is the former one are more accuracte by using RNNs https://databank.illinois....
20-roso's user avatar
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