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3 votes

Where can I find pdf of articles in French, their titles and abstracts/summaries?

There's the HAL scientific open archive, which has a lot of content in French and various other languages. As far as I know, they don't offer a dump of their data, but they do have an API that you can ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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Bulk download Sci-Hub papers using a list of URLs

You can bulk download/automate Sci-Hub files with a list of URLs using wget and a list of URLs (one per line) in a text file. In the following example, I have a text file (list.txt) that looks like ...
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I find pdf of articles in French, their titles and abstracts/summaries?

You can use openalex data dump. There are 6843788 publications in French. { "key": "fr", "key_display_name": "...
Dmitry Zagorulkin's user avatar

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