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2 votes

Using data on for small project

Since the data is released under Open Data License (ODBL), have a look at the TLDR Legal for ODBL. From your description, it seems like your use of the data indeed fits the conditions of the license.
sboysel's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is opencorporates considered open data when nothing can be downloaded?

That's a great question. Seems like the data itself is under an open license but the company charges for API access to it, presumably for the effort they've gone to consolidate the data and for ...
sboysel's user avatar
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2 votes

Is public information obtained through FOIA an example of Open Data?

Data obtained through FOIA is open data. Before it was attained, I would argue that it is not, as it was not being released. Data previously published on a government website was and still is in ...
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

tongue image opendata

Wikimedia Commons has hundreds of open images of tongues: Merit: They are open-licensed (...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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