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3 votes

Historical Black Sea oceanographic data

European data can be obtained from ECMWF at and they have an API
risail's user avatar
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3 votes

Free ocean currents polyline/shapefile download?

The Integrated Climate Data Center - ICDC offers a dataset on global oceanic current. However, you might need to contact the staff for full access.
zehpunktbarron's user avatar
3 votes

Global sea/ocean polygons (with names)

Take a look at, specifically look under IHO Sea Areas. These are boundaries of oceans and seas as defined by the International Hyrdographic Association. When you go to download it ...
fdonnelly's user avatar
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2 votes

LIDAR data for Israel

The "Israel's Mediterranean Sharon sea cliff, 2006" dataset is available via OpenTopography. It covers "a 30-km-stretch of coastal cliffs in central Israel that lie between the cities of Herzlia in ...
C. Crosby's user avatar
2 votes

Free ocean currents polyline/shapefile download?

Here's that dataset (Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys_30m) in GeoJSON Pyesridump is a very powerful tool you can use to liberate data from ESRI's silos. This literally took me less than a minute to ...
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

Free ocean currents polyline/shapefile download?

Not really the answer you might expect, but I use matplotlib basemap to plot maps and I can add whatever I want, including water. I think you can have coordinates data from there, but it needs to dive ...
Michael Hooreman's user avatar
1 vote

Global tide data - is it out there? This data is available as of 2020 and I think is what people are looking for! It was computed using the FES2014 model data ...
Candace Briggs's user avatar
1 vote

What are open data sources about current sea state?

Just posted an answer here: Extensive Weather or Sea State API? Late answer but in case anyone else finds this post. We released our API called Storm Glass a couple of months back and it provides up ...
Carl's user avatar
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