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7 votes

NOAA Satellite Data API?

Where are you searching? The NOAA and all of its child departments/organizations provide a plethora of satellite and API datasets, including satellite datasets accessible via API. The list below is a ...
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Historical Black Sea oceanographic data

European data can be obtained from ECMWF at and they have an API
risail's user avatar
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3 votes

Datasets for daily maximum and mimimum temperature of a specific geographic area?

There are a couple of datasets at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information that can help. NDFD is good, but it is based on forecast model output and not station data ("ground truth"). For ...
threeiem's user avatar
1 vote

Where to download annual data for heating and cooling degree days for US counties not one-by-one, but all at the same time

One option would be to use Python or Bash to write a script that will construct the csv data for you based on these two websites:
SuperKogito's user avatar
1 vote

Does the NWS/NOAA provide a Beach Safety conditions API?

NOAA doesn't provide a Beach Safety conditions API
Azamat Nurlanov's user avatar
1 vote

data from NOAA Magnetic Field Calculators (IGRF) for multiples longitude and latitude spacing

There are several web applications the can calculate IRGF from latitude / longitude coordinates
sboysel's user avatar
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1 vote

Weather maps api's is great and in my opinion, incredibly easy to use. API Web Services has all the information you'll need to get up and running.
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

NOAA Satellite Data API?

From my similar experience in a weeks-long search for an alternative to NOAA's CLASS archive, the answer is apparently no, or not yet. And AWS only has images, not other relevant variables of interest ...
jerodius's user avatar

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