4 votes

Where can I download cities' polygons in Wales and England

The definitive answer for any British administrative area is Ordnance Survey's Boundary Line product. From Euro constituencies to council wards, Boundary-Lineā„¢ maps every administrative boundary ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
3 votes

Seeking Elevation Data

As one of the comments mentioned, you can use the 30m-resolution data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission that can be downloaded from various sites. Specifically for Washington State, you may ...
Matt Ashby's user avatar
2 votes

Parcel map and/or snow load KMZ?

Some work is going to have to be put in here, but this should be what you seek: Snow Load Information Ground Snow Load by Location Alot (if not all) of California's Snow Load Information should ...
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

Seeking US public school serving area boundaries

There is a way...but its not a silver bullet; very time intensive and may require learning new skillsets. You can search through data portals and collect them along the way: Here's a search on data....
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

I'm trying to get a KML file for the Lorton CDP (Lorton, VA)

Solution: I needed to look in the correct area of the census site. I went to the page: https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/kml/kml_place.html and selected Virginia to download the place zip ...
elbillaf's user avatar
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Seeking Saudi Arabia County borders as KML?

Polygeo's comment's link highlights some issues you may have. But as for a simple outline of Saudi Arabia GADM or DIVA-GIS will both be good sources. They won't be in KML (I believe their data come in ...
scabecks's user avatar
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Sydney bus routes kml or csv or GIS datasets

You can look into the Sydney GTFS-Files: https://transitfeeds.com/p/transport-for-nsw/237 The stops.txt contains the coordinates of the stops and the shapes.txt should contain the shapes of the lines....
ubahnverleih's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I download cities' polygons in Wales and England

Is this what you are looking for ? http://www.diva-gis.org/gdata http://www.gadm.org/country Not data but information about the country. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/united_kingdom.htm ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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