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3 votes

Where can I find pdf of articles in French, their titles and abstracts/summaries?

There's the HAL scientific open archive, which has a lot of content in French and various other languages. As far as I know, they don't offer a dump of their data, but they do have an API that you can ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I find pdf of articles in French, their titles and abstracts/summaries?

You can use openalex data dump. There are 6843788 publications in French. { "key": "fr", "key_display_name": "...
Dmitry Zagorulkin's user avatar
2 votes

French word list?

If you really just need all possible spellings, then I would suggest downloading Google N-Grams for N=1 (single words). These are individual words/strings coming from books in the French language. You ...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

French word list?

I'm no expert on this topic, but I believe that I have suggestion to make. Start with the wiktionary word frequency list that is "not as complete as you would like," because it is still your best ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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French list of word where I can use filters like nouns, singular form, verbs…

I suggest or OpenLexicon. Lexique gives the word, a phonological representation, morphological information, frequency in a subtitles corpus, etc. OpenLexicon gathers multiple lexical ...
SachaB's user avatar
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French list of word where I can use filters like nouns, singular form, verbs…

I just found this great database extracted from the wikitionary For instance one entry can look like: "pos": "noun", "head_templates": [ { "name": ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
1 vote

French/English word database for a hangman game

In this case, I'd suggest using the flashcards from an Anki deck. Here's a list of French decks: You can convert the deck to txt/csv with these steps: https:/...
philshem's user avatar
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