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4 votes

Where can I find the list of NCIC assisiged "Originating Agency Identifier"?

API (clean data) It's available at the Crime Data API end point, you have to first request a api key then you can access it on<...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
4 votes

Are there any GIS crime datasets open to public?

There are numerous instances of GIS crime data available to the public, at least in the US, probably too many list and/or no one has done an entire audit of the Criminal Justice open data space. The ...
albert's user avatar
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3 votes

Crime statistics by city in Ukraine

In this answer, I'm talking about regional crime statistics only (and I'm gathering materials for more relevant answer). In short, Ukrainian regional prosecutor's offices publish some criminal ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Unsolved murder rates by country/state/municipality

The Uniform Crime Report program will have the best answer to your question for the U.S. The best known part of this program is the annual report "Crime in the United States" issued by the FBI every ...
Aidian Holder's user avatar
2 votes

Crimes by Block Group for state of Michigan

Despite my standard hesitation about definitively answering "no" to data-request questions (because it's always possible that it's out there somewhere), I'm going to go ahead and say "no." Michigan ...
Joe Germuska's user avatar
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Geocoding of Chicago crime data

Since I asked this, I have made some progress. If you ask around (or craft the appropriate web search terms) it is possible to find copies of the data which are old. In the past (I think, 2015 and ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
2 votes

Murder rate by city/state in Germany?

Although this database doesn't specify per city/state, it contains information on crimes in Germany overall including homicide, kidnappings, robbery, assault - check out the United Nations Office on ...
user37317's user avatar
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Where can I find the list of NCIC assisiged "Originating Agency Identifier"?

You can download a comprehensive file through UMich's ICPSR repository (sign up is free): Here's a sample of the data – I believe the ICPSR's ToC ...
dancow's user avatar
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1 vote

Open data that changes daily for every county in the United States provides a way to get daily weather data by zip code
steve_in_the_22201's user avatar
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Gun Homicide Rate per US County

Here is a county based dataset of the number of deaths due to homicide per 100,000 population from 2013-2019. The data source is National Center for health statistics. Dataset Link: https://www....
Padmanabha's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I find the list of NCIC assisiged "Originating Agency Identifier"?

This is from circa 1981, but as of this date it is still very accurate. I believe the number issued by the FBI lasts the life of the agency, unless the ORI has been revoked for violations. https://www....
BLQ BOX's user avatar
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Unsolved murder GIS datasets

Not 100% what you seek, but the Murder Accountability Project is an open database of unsolved murders in America, and provides an algorithm for specifically seeking out serial homicides. You can read ...
albert's user avatar
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Where can I find detailed data about crimes in Italy?

try to look at this link: under the "Data And Microdata" tab. Here you can find a lot of information that may fit what you're looking ...
gabt's user avatar
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Data set request on domestic violence and the health and economic impacts it has

Virginia Department of Health has many datasets on domestic violence: Domestic Violence Fatality Review Resources. You'll have to do the legwork of pulling the data out of the PDFs, but its all there ...
albert's user avatar
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Data set request on domestic violence and the health and economic impacts it has

Resources from DoJ includes:
CommunicationsData's user avatar
1 vote

Geocoding of Chicago crime data

I worked extensively with this data when I worked at the Chicago Tribune, including building According to a conversation I had with a leader of Chicago's data publishing ...
Joe Germuska's user avatar
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Unsolved murder rates by country/state/municipality

Kaggle has a Murder Accountability dataset you may find useful.
albert's user avatar
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Crimes by Block Group for state of Michigan

The only way I'd think you'll get this information is going department by department. While I'd never want to contradict Joe Germuska (and don't have the rep to comment on his reply), any police ...
Aidian Holder's user avatar
1 vote

Obtaining data sets for solved murder

Kaggle hosts the Homicide Reports dataset The Murder Accountability Project is the most complete database of homicides in the United States currently available. This dataset includes murders from ...
philshem's user avatar
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Australian Crime Data

For Vic -> Note that I wouldn't think they would release every incident with a location as some data would ...
LeasMaps's user avatar
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