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Wikidata is a project of the Wikimedia foundation related to open data

3 votes

Mapping a Wikimedia project URL to the corresponding Wikidata entity id

As a general rule, Wikidata won't know about redirects - they're not part of the model there. … They only record the canonical page title (leaving aside a few rare cases where the Wikidata sitelink is a redirect, which is deprecated but does occasionally happen). …
Andrew is gone's user avatar
2 votes

How can I add Wikidata properties of item a on the Wikipedia page of item b?

To add to Patrick's answer, "arbitrary access" to Wikidata items from other Wikipedia pages is now available: It's currently (14 May 2015) live …
Andrew is gone's user avatar
8 votes

Mapping all Wikipedia URLs to Wikidata entity ids

If you want to do this from the dumps, you can use the wb_items_per_site dump (current version, 625 MB; most recent dumps) For each Wikidata item, this contains rows with the corresponding page name …
Andrew is gone's user avatar
1 vote

Wikimedia: Delta-Dumps or Timestamp of Last Change

There are two ways to generate a list of last-revision data for all pages. The preferable tool is probably the second one listed here, PetScan. The first is to use the Wikimedia Quarry SQL service (qu …
Andrew is gone's user avatar
1 vote

Wikidata dump in another language

The dump files should contain all language content - Wikidata does not have different language editions and so there are no language-specific dumps. … Alternatively, rather than use this API wrapper to get labels for a given property/item, you could try using and parsing the Wikidata query service results, or the Wikidata MediaWiki API - this will give …
Andrew is gone's user avatar
2 votes

The Chinese English parallel corpus from Wikidata?

I can't really answer from the dbpedia side of things, so this is a Wikidata-oriented answer... … You can get a copy of the full set of the interlanguage links from the Wikidata dumps at - you will want the wikidatawiki dump and the wb-items-per-site file ("For each Wikidata
Andrew is gone's user avatar
1 vote

Trying to get a qualifier to work, not sure what's wrong

You would want to use something like: OPTIONAL { ?company p:P2403 ?statement . ?statement ps:P2403 ?totalAssets. OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P585 ?time} } The first change is to get the stat …
Andrew is gone's user avatar