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A business is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both, with consumers.

2 votes

Free UK Company Database

Seems like OpenCorporates is exactly what you're looking for. It describes itself as: The largest open database of companies in the world is the listing o …
Mark Silverberg's user avatar
5 votes

Data on business locations

Can't comment so sharing advice in an answer: Can you be more specific about what type of location data? If every type of category, you're probably best using APIs/licensed data from the likes of In …
Mark Silverberg's user avatar
0 votes

Resolve company name / TLD to industry?

I know you're posting in the OpenData SE but here are some other places to look in addition to SEC's EDGAR and GuideStar some of which have APIs Lead gen services like LinkedIn Yello …
Mark Silverberg's user avatar