I would like to see some ready-made sources for 2016 CBSA-level data. Until then, I suggest using county-level sources and aggregating them to CBSA-level. For this, you can combine cross-walks listed in your link or, possibly easier, use this cross-walk from Jean Roth provided at [NBER][1]. Given the excellent .csv and .dta files the aggregation should be straightforward.

As for data: For the county-level, the [American FactFinder][2] provides a promising compilation. I found very detailed 2016 data on several of the topics you requested. Two examples:

**Comparative Economic Characteristics** (Source ID CP03, ACS 1 year survey 2016) 
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
with, for example, the income distribution as well as mean and median income.

**Unemployment** (Source ID S2301, ACS 1 year survey 2016)
[![enter image description here][4]][4]
with unemployment rates split by age group.

  [1]: http://www.nber.org/data/cbsa-fips-county-crosswalk.html
  [2]: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/72Cjl.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/ohRbf.png