I am engaged in a project Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihood where we generated &/or compiled various spatial data(satellite image, ArcGIS featureclass, excel files, map output like jpg etc.) related protected areas of Bangladesh. As a USAID requirement, we need to submit those data to that system. I have submitted [this form][1] and got an account to log on. I see it is just a placeholder for uploaded files.I surfed the internet to find guidance on spatial data.What I have known from this is this data should be in a non-proprietary format.I found some data that are public; this data contains ,for each theme, CSVs and illustrating pdf for each for those CSVs. Now I want to know specific guidance for spatial data- what about metadata etc. Especially a folder may be the skeleton, like those CSV data folders as attache herewith.In fact, I am stumbling on where from to start. I found another DDL folder that I think is spatial data related work wherefrom i might get the direction but it is restricted see [here][2]. [Sample DDL folder][3] [1]: https://www.usaid.gov/data/DDLSubmissions [2]: https://www.usaid.gov/data/dataset/2f00ad88-af2e-4c34-b2d2-e8c598323ba9 [3]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6dqpkopo2homa5s/bangladesh-integrated-household-survery-dataset.zip?dl=0