I'm looking for long lists of structured demographic and/or geographic attributes of World/European countries *AND* US States. For example: <geo name="Norway" population=5084000 cows_per_capita=1.2*> <geo name="Connecticut" population=3597000 cows_per_capita=0.2*> *Cows_per_capita are my estimates A perfect source would be the CIA Factbook (i.e. [US][2]), but I don't know where analogous attributes can be found for individual States. I feel like Wikidata would be also good source (i.e. [Norway][1]), but it seems the attribute lists are limited. ---------- License: it's for non-commercial use and I'll give plenty of attribution [1]: http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20 [2]: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html