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26 votes
7 answers

Extracting tables from multiple PDFs

What's the best practice of extracting tables from a large number of PDF, which may be formatted differently? For example, I have a series of PDFs like this one, and I would like to extract the ...
Andreas Blaesus's user avatar
24 votes
10 answers

Wikipedia table to JSON (or other machine-readable format)

I'm interested in the data listed in the tables listed here. Is there a good way to extract the information (as JSON, preferably) without resorting to HTML parsing?
user94154's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

What server and technologies can I use to extract data out of Wikipedia's infoboxes (e.g., ATC code for drugs)

Wikipedia is a significant source of data. Data from Wikipedia may be available in various formats via other servers (e.g., SPARQL end point). For a task of extracting all pairs of "ATC code" - "...
userJT's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Looking for web scraper that works on YouTube channel video catalogs

I'm trying to find a web scraper that will help me get detailed data from several YouTube channels I'm interested in researching. I've tried the trial version of Easy Web Extractor, but the processed ...
Beer_en_thu_si_asT's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Scientometric/bibliometric data retrieval from a list of DOI

I am a conducting bibliometric analysis on small/midsize sets of academic papers (40-400), in a longitudinal study (repeated over time on the same dataset). I am interest in retrieving data for each ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Parsing Curriculum Vitaes

I am wondering whether any of you could help me to find a tool that could help me to parse and extract data out of Curriculum Vitaes? I know that Sovren is a very good application but I can’t help ...
Jeanne Holm's user avatar
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