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Questions tagged [sentiment-analysis]

Sentiment Analysis (SA) aims to determine the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to some topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document. It aims to identify and extract subjective information in source materials.

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1 answer

Bulgarian dataset for sentiment analysis or comment helpfulness

My team is researching solutions about sentiment analysis or comment(preferably product review) helpfulness in Bulgarian. Anybody know a good source for those? The comment health one is a long shot ...
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Data set Employee turnover

I am looking for a data set about employee turnover in which we can determine how the intention to quit is transformed into actual turnover?
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Get the country from city/state/etc human input

I have 200000 rows of twitter data having the location attribute. I want to map the city names to their respective countries for producing demographic result based on countries. How can I do that ...
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Looking for an Argument Mining dataset of customer reviews

I am looking for a dataset containing customer reviews (can be about hotels, restaurants, movies...) to build an algorithm able to detect arguments (premises, evidences...) in a given review and the ...
4 votes
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Labeled dataset for sentiment analysis in Mandarin

I am doing my research on sentiment analysis for Standard Mandarin. I don't have any benchmark dataset. I need usable labeled dataset for my research.
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Dataset of Brazilian Portuguese audio classified by emotion

I plan to create an algorithm for detecting voice sentiment in Brazilian Portuguese, but i wasn't able to find any datasets to train the model with. If anyone knows where I could find a dataset of ...
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Where can I get conversational/directed sentiment data?

I'm looking for datasets with text labeled according to how (un)happy or (dis)satisfied the speaker is with the person being addressed, e.g. "You're a godsend!" (10/10) or "go kys, ******" (0/10). ...
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New financial tweet and news sentiment analysis dataset

Are there any datasets that contains financial tweets or news title and their sentiment polarity (negative, neutral, and positive) that is labeled by humans? The datasets that I find on the internet ...
7 votes
4 answers

Dataset for emotion classification

I'm looking for a dataset for moods or emotions (Happy, Angry, Sad) classification. That's to classify the sentiment of a given text. I would like to use Naive Bayes classifier for this analysis. Not ...
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Looking for labeled audio data for sentiment

I'm looking for labelled audio data. Like a cat meowing, or a spoon falling on the ground, a car driving past, etc... i.e. sound clips of events. Does anyone know of where to find this? Would be very ...
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5 answers

Open datasets for product reviews

Are there public repositories that have public reviews and feedback data of products (I need digital camera reviews to be specific) After searching on the internet, I found
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4 answers

English news dataset for sentiment analysis

I am looking for an English news dataset with (relevant) entities mentioned in the article labelled with the sentiment/connotation expressed on the entity by the article. e.g. A sense of the ...
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Spanish Sentiment Dataset

I'm looking for a Spanish language corpus tagged with sentiment (just positive & negative are needed, though neutral might be helpful.) I could use a Twitter dataset, but I'd prefer to use ...
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Where I can get financial tweets and financial blogs datasets for sentiment analysis?

I'm learning sentiment analysis. I need financial tweets and blogs dataset for supervised learning. Right now I'm trying lexicon based sentiment analysis on a small dataset of financial tweets from ...
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Reddit comments labeled data-set for sentiment analysis?

I was searching for a Reddit comments data-set which is labeled into three classes: positive, negative and neutral to train a ML model. I can get labeled data for tweets, movie reviews but what about ...
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Audio data for sentence type classification

I want to build a classifier, which would be able to tell statement sentences (.) form question sentences (?) from exclamatory sentences (!). Thus, obviously I need a bunch of such audio samples with ...
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Sentiment classifcation - Publicly available datasets for market/trading/financial news sentiment

As the title suggest, I'm looking for publicly available datasets to train a classifier to distinguish bullish from non-bullish or bearish from non-bearish news.
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Need some domain knowledge

I am looking for some BD (Business Development) help. I am building a product that does sentiment analysis. I want to know which domains in the internet space (for which there are online/offline "...
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Aspect Based Sentiment Classification

Are there any services which provide aspect-sentiment of the sentence? If the sentence/review is talking about multiple aspects, all the aspects with their sentiments (Positive, Negative, Neutral ...
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Movie review blog posts with view count, likes etc

I started doing a research project for my final year and I need to analyze blog posts and extract common patterns from them. For that I need blog post data where I can get the content with number of ...
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Hadoop open source design and implementation

I have a big project to analyse the client’s history, records in order to predict and manage the resources more efficiently. This has to deal with millions of data sets flew from various resources. My ...
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Neutral sentiments training set - Resources

I'm training a sentiment classifier based on DNN. Currently my training set is made out of 45% positive sentiments, 45% negative sentiments and only 10% of neutral sentiments. As you probably guess, ...
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Twitter - Labelling system for sentiments and other things

I have build a program that log tweets from stream by hashtag into a MongoDB database and a website to label them. The website loads a random tweet and allows me to label them with three buttons (...
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Sentiment search engine

Sometimes I want to know what is the mainstream sentiment about a product/service/person/anything. For instance: is the game GTA V considered by players as entertaining or boring? are selfie sticks ...
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Sentiment classification from Smiles-data need

I am looking for data that are classified according to the smiles, for example :( is negative sentiment (labeled may be -1, :) is positive sentiment (labeled may be 1). I know twitter has such data ...
4 votes
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labeled sentiment words according to 8 different human sentiments

I am trying to do sentiment analysis using lexicon based sentiment analysis. My goal is detecting 8 different basic sentiments (not positive and negative sentiment only). I found there is plenty of ...
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where can I find geocoded sentiments?

I am a student of economics and I am conducting my master thesis on cultural industries. Trying to understand what is the feeling of the people about different themes, I'am using TwitteR package in R ...
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Source of aggressively toned texts for machine learning [duplicate]

As suggested in comment on data science SA I reposted the question to this site, which seems a better fit for this type of question. I was looking for a source where there would be an extended amount ...
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0 answers

How to correctly interpret the format of the German Polarity Clues data set?

I am trying to build a sentiment analysis proof of concept, and am hitting the wall of getting my data. I found the "German Polarity Clues" dataset, but i can't quite make sense of the data format, ...