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Questions tagged [economics]

Economics is a social science concerned with the factors that determine the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

32 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Historical data on buy-sell recommendations by stock market analysts

Investments banks issue buy-sell recommendations based on their equity research. An example of Goldman Sachs' for Apple. Is there a structured dataset that contains key parameters of such ...
Anton Tarasenko's user avatar
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Data by county or by zip code on commercial new construction permits issued across the United States

I am looking for number of new commercial buildings built or permitted at the county or zip code level and would like to know if there is somewhere I can find this for the entire country. ...
Sarah Holifield's user avatar
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The list of projected GDP in the past?

I would like to get any data that predicted GDP in the past (e.g. the projected 2015 GDP that was released in 2000). I don't mind what organization the data was released by, as long as it is prominent ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Data on the number of "remote" workers by country

I'm trying to find estimates of how many workers in each country have remote (also known as 'virtual' or 'digital') sources of income. This is focused on developing countries so I really need data ...
EnglishTeacherEric's user avatar
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Where can I find actual agricultural contracts?

I'm looking for real agricultural contracts, that is actual contracts between farmers and processors (preferably in North America). Any ideas? Generally I am thinking of contracts between farmers and ...
user3417573's user avatar
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Does anyone have the monthly data export and import of Russia?

I am looking for data regarding the export and import of Russia during the recent 3 months monthly. I am wondering if anyone can give me a hint
Phil Nguyen's user avatar
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Statistically who gets higher **average** income, an employed engineer or an IT startup founder?

Starting your own startup is a great idea, you may become as rich as Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. Wait... or may not. It of course depends on your skills and perspiration they ...
Guest's user avatar
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Current Population Survey (CPS) before 1962

I am trying to find monthly CPS data for years before 1962, which is the first year available through IPUMS. I checked on the NBER website but they only provide data from 1976 on. CPS should have been ...
PostDocing's user avatar
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U.S. personal debt ratio distribution?

Where can I find the distribution (histogram) of personal debt ratios in the United States?
Geremia's user avatar
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Accessing historical data from the U.S. Census of Manufacturers

I am looking for historical data from the U.S. Census of Manufacturers for the period from 1945 to today, and ideally even for the period before 1945. On this website, I found out that such data does ...
eigenvector's user avatar
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Where can I find the data for secular bull and bear markets?

I'm interested in doing some analysis on the Secular Bull and Bear Markets graph as found on this page. Ideally I would like daily data, but end of year data would be fine. The article also mentions "...
Marcus D's user avatar
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Data request: how long do consumers wait for certain discounts, savings, and bargains?

I'd like to know where I can find data regarding consumers' willingness to wait for discounts, bargains, savings, and so forth. Units can be in time, or in time per discount percent, etc. Related data ...
daOnlyBG's user avatar
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Land Use Data for Beijing for 1985 and 2010

I am looking for land use data for Beijing for 1985 and 2010
favour's user avatar
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Seeking R Package for GINI Coefficient Calculation with Zero and Negative Values

I'm working on calculating the GINI coefficient in R to analyze various aspects of wealth inequality. Specifically, I am interested in decomposing GINI by different subgroups. However, my data ...
Jack's user avatar
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Households' wealth deciles by country

I'm looking for data (either directly the deciles, or data allowing me to compute the deciles) on households' wealth by country on the recent years. Much of the data that I have found only include the ...
GregoirePelegrin's user avatar
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How do I programmatically and reliably determine how much a sum of money was in some other currency at a given date without paying money?

I've long searched for this, but only find entities that want me to pay them money. I don't have money. I can't pay money. This is for my personal, non-commercial use. I can't afford to pay for every ...
Schiachter's user avatar
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Data on Consumer Price Index (inflation rate) by state (USA)

I'm looking for a dataset that would contain historical CPI/inflation for each state of the US. It seems that should have this data, but it's either regional (South/North) or area (city/town) ...
folderj's user avatar
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Data on which topics angel investors have been interested through the years?

I'm interested in knowing which topics angel investors have...well...invested in during the last years. Preferably in Europe. This is because I want to prove that the "going green" movement ...
Guillermo Mosse's user avatar
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Looking for average economic impact of all Farmlands per acre in Florida or U.S

I am researching on road alignment optimization. The research goal is to find least cost road alignment between two given points, considering highway codes. One of major factors which I want to ...
Sina_Alef's user avatar
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Land cost data of the region Caucasus

I am using the R package 'prioritzr' to identify new possible conservation areas in the lesser caucasus for different species. One main data input to solve the problem is the average land cost per ...
obrob's user avatar
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Where can I find economic multilateral treaty data?

I am doing a project on multilateral treaties and am having trouble finding a data set on multilateral economic treaties. I am looking for data with signature and/or ratification dates. Does anyone ...
JollyFriar's user avatar
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UN Global Comtrade Database

UN Comtrade database, the major source of bilateral trade data online, has a free query tool: However, the API limits the number of requests per hour and the size of ...
Steinar's user avatar
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Area income data for percentiles other than the median?

I'm looking for data similar to the Area Median Income, except that provides information about other percentiles. For instance, what are the 10th or 90th percentiles of income in my county? I saw ...
szxk's user avatar
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Historic Thompson-Reuters CRB Data?

Anyone know of a 20-30 year history of the Thompson-Reuters commodity index (example)? I looked through Quandl, but I didn't find the commodity index that is tied to this one - I found quite a few ...
rob's user avatar
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Looking for open source funding data of South American startups

Looking for open source data sets for funding details of South American startups. Would be more interested in that of the messaging apps startups, but a general dataset of the funding details of all ...
Dawny33's user avatar
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Regional Economic Accounts from BEA in a single dataset

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has some basic data on the US state and metropolitan areas: It also has bulk downloads and a query system. Still, I wonder ...
Anton Tarasenko's user avatar
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Does it make sense that potential yields under high inputs could be lower than those under low inputs in GAEZ?

I'm using GAEZ data for the first time and noticed that for some crops, potential yields under low inputs are higher than under high inputs. I found some explaination in the documentation, it says ...
Sherry's user avatar
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Historical Sectoral Data

Is there anyone who has converted data provided by Mitchell (2013) book International Historial Statistics into an accessible format like .csv or .dta? The book contains data from the 19th century ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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Estimating current job openings by income level

Are there any open data sources estimating the number of current job openings by income level? I've attempted to go through a variety of government and Federal Reserve sites to put together some ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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Global inflation-linked private debt data

There are many available studies on total global debt figures; both private and public amounts. Specifying the question to inflation-linked (in some contexts referred to as inflation-indexed) debt ...
shea's user avatar
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Where can I get projections of the population by income level and age (such as population by income percentile) in a US county through 2040?

For example, a long-term projection of the population in Fulton County, GA (not this one specifically, just a random county I picked) with the number of people age 65+ earning more than $100,000, the ...
Michael A's user avatar
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Asking for some sources of country-level data regarding technology literacy, cashless level, financial moneytary policy, and financial stability

I am looking for the sources for these variables (country-level), as many countries as possible about: the technology literacy levels, cashless level, financial monetary policy, and financial ...
Phil Nguyen's user avatar