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(How) can I use CKAN when data needs to be kept in place and only its data dictionary should be published?

Context I am investigating how I can set-up a data management system for a department of 100+ colleagues. Many of our datasets are stored (scattered is a better word) on different network drives, ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to ask a CKAN repository only for changed datasets after a certain time?

I am trying to harvest several CKAN repositories for their metadata, using CKAN REST API. I wanted to only update the changed datasets (metadata only) in my repository, but I do not see a way to ...
Stefano Bocconi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

CKAN exposing tables from a relational database

I am using CKAN 2.3 and I would like to compose datasets considering a specific schema from a relational database. Indeed, I would like to publish the list of any table into CKAN in order to show ...
Jordi Piqueras's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Custom Categories in CKAN

Is it possible to have custom dataset categories appear in the side bar of the 'datasets' tab in CKAN 2.2? appears to have these categories, but most examples I see have the default ...
Charlie Lefrak's user avatar