Questions tagged [agriculture]

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3 votes
1 answer

Any Available datasets for Hydroponic / Aquaponic /Aeroponic?

I'm working on a research project for developing predictive models for hydro-/aqua-/aeroponics. Where can I found related datasets for the nutrients and other sensitive parameters? The specific idea ...
Ayman's user avatar
  • 31
5 votes
1 answer

satellite imagery data for crop identification

I'm working on a project to identify crop and do yield analysis using satellite imagery. can someone please guide me, where can i get this dataset?
pauli's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Hydroponic/Vertical farm system historical sensor data

I'm working on Machine Learning project to improve/automate hydroponics farming systems. Is there any datasets covering crop yields in vertical/hydroponic farming setups ? Any hints or tips on how ...
medchedli's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Where can I find image dataset for crop yield prediction?

I want to reproduce the work from the research paper Crop Biometric Maps: The Key to Prediction by Francisco Rovira-Más and Verónica Sáiz-Rubio, but I need the right dataset for that. Where can I find ...
tia's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
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Agricultural crops data on field level, Europe

I am looking for data sets describing agricultural field crop data across Europe. I have already found: The RPG data set (France) which describes majority crops for each field. The CEH Land Cover ...
Michael Bird's user avatar
0 votes
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Crop fields dataset

Somebody knows where to find some images from crop fields for machine learning classification problems?. Like coffee or grape fields. I need some aerial images, can be from drones or satelital, but I'...
María Victoria's user avatar