I work in the open data team for a large city. We have a number of datasets that are produced annually, such as budgets. I'm trying to choose between different options for publishing this data:
Single, expanding dataset
A single dataset called "budget" with a year column. I fear that this increases the effort for the consumer, who probably has to filter to get the year they're interested in. Also, sometimes it makes the dataset more complex, as the 2015 budget contains 2014 actual spending, 2015 budgeted spending, 2016 projected spending etc.
One dataset per year
Alternative, we could have "Budget 2015", "Budget 2016" etc. This creates some logistical challenges, such as the difficulty of automatically creating (as opposed to updating) datasets. Also, it's not clear how you would answer a question like "Is this dataset updated regularly?"
Perhaps the right option is a single expanding dataset, with filtered views on it?
Is there any guidance here? Best practice? The platform we're using is Socrata but I'd prefer platform-agnostic advice.