I'm trying to find election data from 1789 to last general election, down to county level. I was lucky to get for only 2002 on this page Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies. I was wondering if anyone has a credible web link to resources that can provide me with these sets of data.


2 Answers 2


Pretty sure the senate or house has an archive of pdfs going all the way back...but again, its pdfs.
Open Elections is going to be your best bet, although you aren't going to find all of the data you seek, you'll find a lot down to county/precinct level.
Here's one from Virginia with both.


As of 2022-04-20, I was able to access and download presidential election results by county for the years 2000 through 2020 at the Harvard Dataverse, using this url: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/VOQCHQ

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