Does anyone know of any datasets regarding livestock diseases in Indiana? I am a GIS student in need of a unique data source; as I do not work in GIS yet, I have chosen a topic in a field in which I want to work. Specifically, I'm looking to locate a source from which I can practice manipulating raster data (comparing, reprojecting, clipping, extracting, making mosaics, creating TINs and 3D renderings, etc.). Data in any format is sought.

2 Answers 2


this sounds like a pretty specific dataset that may or may not be available (I know, that's the whole point of posting on here) and while I dont know where to find this exact dataset, here are some datasets that might help you get to your end goal and/or create proxy/synthetic data for you to practice analysis on.


USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has data like this; start at the:
NIFA Data Gateway
Enter "livestock diseases indiana" in the Search Projects form control input results in:
68 Projects with terms "livestock diseases indiana"
Second result looks like a hit:
Prevalance & Molecular Relationship Between Fecal Culture, Elisa & Colostrum Culture for Johne's Disease in Indiana Dairy Cows
Not sure about this resource (I know they do import/export data), but USDA's APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) may also include data you can use.

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