I have a discussion in a Google Group about the next thing:
One person wants to scrape multiple web sites to gather prices of different types of technology products (cell phones, TVs, computers, tablets, etc.) and then provide this collected information as Open Data.
I said that this is not open data, because the person does not own the source of the data. However, other people say that it is open data, because the prices are available to the public, and they give examples of multiple companies that do similar stuff of scraping multiple sites.
Can scraping specific data from multiple websites and providing this in a database be considered as open data? Where can I find information about this activity? I want to read articles where this action is accepted as Open Data OR specifying that this is not open data, but just an extraction and cannot be reused.
Many sites explain OpenData for governments, but very few talk about open data for the private sector.
(The Google group is the Spanish OpenDATA Productos de consumo)