You can use this query (tested on MIMIC-III v1.1, took around 80 seconds to run on my computer):
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Title: Extract height and weight for ICUSTAY_IDs
-- Description: This query gets the first, minimum, and maximum weight and height
-- for a single ICUSTAY_ID. It extracts data from the CHARTEVENTS table.
-- MIMIC version: MIMIC-III v1.2
-- Created by: Erin Hong, Alistair Johnson
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DROP VIEW franck.heightweight;
-- DROP TABLE franck.heightweight;
CREATE TABLE franck.heightweight
WITH FirstVRawData AS
(SELECT c.charttime,
WHEN c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, 3581, 3582)
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486, 3485, 4188)
END AS parameter,
WHEN c.itemid IN (3581)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.45359237
WHEN c.itemid IN (3582)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.0283495231
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486)
THEN c.valuenum * 2.54
ELSE c.valuenum
END AS valuenum
FROM mimiciii.chartevents c
WHERE c.valuenum IS NOT NULL
AND ( ( c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, -- Weight Kg
3581, -- Weight lb
3582, -- Weight oz
920, 1394, 4187, 3486, -- Height inches
3485, 4188 -- Height cm
AND c.valuenum <> 0 )
) )
--select * from FirstVRawData
, SingleParameters AS (
first_value(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, icustay_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS first_valuenum,
MIN(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, icustay_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS min_valuenum,
MAX(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, icustay_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS max_valuenum
FROM FirstVRawData
-- ORDER BY subject_id,
-- icustay_id,
-- parameter
--select * from SingleParameters
, PivotParameters AS (SELECT subject_id, icustay_id,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_min,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_max,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_min,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_max
FROM SingleParameters
GROUP BY subject_id,
--select * from PivotParameters
SELECT f.icustay_id,
ROUND( cast(f.height_first as numeric), 2) AS height_first,
ROUND(cast(f.height_min as numeric),2) AS height_min,
ROUND(cast(f.height_max as numeric),2) AS height_max,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_first as numeric), 2) AS weight_first,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_min as numeric), 2) AS weight_min,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_max as numeric), 2) AS weight_max
FROM PivotParameters f
ORDER BY subject_id, icustay_id;
--COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW mimiciii.icustay_detail IS
-- '
-- Expands the table "ICUSTAYEVENTS" to show:
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column HOSPITAL_ICUSTAY_SEQ per
-- hospitalization
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column ICUSTAY_SEQ
-- + The first and last ICU stays per hospitalization
-- + First/last hospitalizations
-- + The icu expiration flag is assigned to the last icu_stay in the last
-- hospitalization.
-- ';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.subject_id is 'Unique subject identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.gender is 'Subject''s gender "M" or "F"';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.dob is 'Subject''s date of birth';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.icustay_id is 'Unique ICU stay identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.height is 'The first entered height of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_first is 'The first entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_max is 'The maximum entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_min is 'The minimum entered weight of the patient';
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.d_chartitems_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_days','c');
SELECT * FROM franck.heightweight LIMIT 100;
Some statistics:
-- Some statistics:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(icustay_id)) FROM mimiciii.icustayevents; -- returns 61532
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(icustay_id)) FROM franck.heightweight; -- returns 30299
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(icustay_id)) FROM franck.heightweight WHERE height_first IS NULL; -- returns 13203
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(icustay_id)) FROM franck.heightweight WHERE weight_first IS NULL; -- returns 29
It will create the following table:
If you prefer to group by hadm_id
instead of icustay_id
, you can simply replace icustay_id
by hadm_id
in the table creation query:
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Title: Extract height and weight for hadm_ids
-- Description: This query gets the first, minimum, and maximum weight and height
-- for a single hadm_id. It extracts data from the CHARTEVENTS table.
-- MIMIC version: MIMIC-III v1.2
-- Created by: Erin Hong, Alistair Johnson
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DROP VIEW franck.heightweight;
DROP TABLE franck.heightweight2;
CREATE TABLE franck.heightweight2
WITH FirstVRawData AS
(SELECT c.charttime,
WHEN c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, 3581, 3582)
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486, 3485, 4188)
END AS parameter,
WHEN c.itemid IN (3581)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.45359237
WHEN c.itemid IN (3582)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.0283495231
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486)
THEN c.valuenum * 2.54
ELSE c.valuenum
END AS valuenum
FROM mimiciii.chartevents c
WHERE c.valuenum IS NOT NULL
AND ( ( c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, -- Weight Kg
3581, -- Weight lb
3582, -- Weight oz
920, 1394, 4187, 3486, -- Height inches
3485, 4188 -- Height cm
AND c.valuenum <> 0 )
) )
--select * from FirstVRawData
, SingleParameters AS (
first_value(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS first_valuenum,
MIN(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS min_valuenum,
MAX(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS max_valuenum
FROM FirstVRawData
-- ORDER BY subject_id,
-- hadm_id,
-- parameter
--select * from SingleParameters
, PivotParameters AS (SELECT subject_id, hadm_id,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_min,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_max,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_min,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_max
FROM SingleParameters
GROUP BY subject_id,
--select * from PivotParameters
SELECT f.hadm_id,
ROUND( cast(f.height_first as numeric), 2) AS height_first,
ROUND(cast(f.height_min as numeric),2) AS height_min,
ROUND(cast(f.height_max as numeric),2) AS height_max,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_first as numeric), 2) AS weight_first,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_min as numeric), 2) AS weight_min,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_max as numeric), 2) AS weight_max
FROM PivotParameters f
ORDER BY subject_id, hadm_id;
--COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW mimiciii.icustay_detail IS
-- '
-- Expands the table "ICUSTAYEVENTS" to show:
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column HOSPITAL_ICUSTAY_SEQ per
-- hospitalization
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column ICUSTAY_SEQ
-- + The first and last ICU stays per hospitalization
-- + First/last hospitalizations
-- + The icu expiration flag is assigned to the last icu_stay in the last
-- hospitalization.
-- ';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.subject_id is 'Unique subject identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.gender is 'Subject''s gender "M" or "F"';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.dob is 'Subject''s date of birth';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.hadm_id is 'Unique ICU stay identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.height is 'The first entered height of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_first is 'The first entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_max is 'The maximum entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_min is 'The minimum entered weight of the patient';
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.d_chartitems_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_days','c');
SELECT * FROM franck.heightweight2 LIMIT 100;
Some statistics:
-- Some statistics:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(hadm_id)) FROM mimiciii.icustayevents; -- returns 57786
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(hadm_id)) FROM franck.heightweight2; -- returns 28946
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(hadm_id)) FROM franck.heightweight2 WHERE height_first IS NULL; -- returns 12282
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(hadm_id)) FROM franck.heightweight2 WHERE weight_first IS NULL; -- returns 27
This will give you:
If you want to all get the means of heights and weights for each patient:
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Title: Extract height and weight for hadm_ids
-- Description: This query gets the first, minimum, and maximum weight and height
-- for a single hadm_id. It extracts data from the CHARTEVENTS table.
-- MIMIC version: MIMIC-III v1.2
-- Created by: Erin Hong, Alistair Johnson
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DROP VIEW franck.heightweight;
DROP TABLE franck.heightweight2;
CREATE TABLE franck.heightweight2
WITH FirstVRawData AS
(SELECT c.charttime,
WHEN c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, 3581, 3582)
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486, 3485, 4188)
END AS parameter,
WHEN c.itemid IN (3581)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.45359237
WHEN c.itemid IN (3582)
THEN c.valuenum * 0.0283495231
WHEN c.itemid IN (920, 1394, 4187, 3486)
THEN c.valuenum * 2.54
ELSE c.valuenum
END AS valuenum
FROM mimiciii.chartevents c
WHERE c.valuenum IS NOT NULL
AND ( ( c.itemid IN (762, 763, 3723, 3580, -- Weight Kg
3581, -- Weight lb
3582, -- Weight oz
920, 1394, 4187, 3486, -- Height inches
3485, 4188 -- Height cm
AND c.valuenum <> 0 )
) )
--select * from FirstVRawData
, SingleParameters AS (
first_value(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS first_valuenum,
MIN(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS min_valuenum,
AVG(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS mean_valuenum,
MAX(valuenum) over (partition BY subject_id, hadm_id, parameter order by charttime ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS max_valuenum
FROM FirstVRawData
-- ORDER BY subject_id,
-- hadm_id,
-- parameter
--select * from SingleParameters
, PivotParameters AS (SELECT subject_id, hadm_id,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_min,
AVG(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then mean_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_mean,
MAX(case when parameter = 'HEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS height_max,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then first_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_first,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then min_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_min,
AVG(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then mean_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_mean,
MAX(case when parameter = 'WEIGHT' then max_valuenum else NULL end) AS weight_max
FROM SingleParameters
GROUP BY subject_id,
--select * from PivotParameters
SELECT f.hadm_id,
ROUND( cast(f.height_first as numeric), 2) AS height_first,
ROUND(cast(f.height_min as numeric),2) AS height_min,
ROUND(cast(f.height_mean as numeric),2) AS height_mean,
ROUND(cast(f.height_max as numeric),2) AS height_max,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_first as numeric), 2) AS weight_first,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_min as numeric), 2) AS weight_min,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_mean as numeric), 2) AS weight_mean,
ROUND(cast(f.weight_max as numeric), 2) AS weight_max
FROM PivotParameters f
ORDER BY subject_id, hadm_id;
--COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW mimiciii.icustay_detail IS
-- '
-- Expands the table "ICUSTAYEVENTS" to show:
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column HOSPITAL_ICUSTAY_SEQ per
-- hospitalization
-- + Each ICU stay is order by the column ICUSTAY_SEQ
-- + The first and last ICU stays per hospitalization
-- + First/last hospitalizations
-- + The icu expiration flag is assigned to the last icu_stay in the last
-- hospitalization.
-- ';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.subject_id is 'Unique subject identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.gender is 'Subject''s gender "M" or "F"';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.dob is 'Subject''s date of birth';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.hadm_id is 'Unique ICU stay identifier';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.height is 'The first entered height of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_first is 'The first entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_max is 'The maximum entered weight of the patient';
--COMMENT ON COLUMN mimic2v26.icustay_detail.weight_min is 'The minimum entered weight of the patient';
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.d_chartitems_detail','c');
--execute DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( 'mimiciii.icustay_days','c');
SELECT * FROM franck.heightweight2 LIMIT 100;
To add the ideal body weight:
ALTER TABLE franck.heightweight2 ADD COLUMN ideal_body_weight_devine NUMERIC;
-- Formula from
-- Males
UPDATE franck.heightweight2
SET ideal_body_weight_devine= 50 + 0.91 * (height_mean - 152.4)
FROM mimiciii.patients
WHERE patients.subject_id=heightweight2.subject_id
AND patients.gender = 'M';
-- Females
UPDATE franck.heightweight2
SET ideal_body_weight_devine= 45.5 + 0.91 * (height_mean - 152.4)
FROM mimiciii.patients
WHERE patients.subject_id=heightweight2.subject_id
AND patients.gender = 'F';