When I hit the "package_search" action API at data.gov, 26564 results are currently returned:
When I pass the "rows" parameter to limit the results, it seems to be ignored and I still get 26564 results returned:
However, when I pass an unrecognized parameter, I get an error saying so. So, it's recognizing the "rows" parameter but seemingly not applying it.
Also, http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/api/index.html says that the parameters should in fact be sent as a JSON payload. It provides an example using the "HTTPie" utility to pass the "id" parameter to the "group_list" action API:
http http://demo.ckan.org/api/3/action/group_list id=data-explorer
However, I get the same result whether I pass "id=data-explorer" or any "id=(string of random characters)". The same goes for making a proper request directly from Python, too.
What am I missing? This is really annoying.