In an attempt to do some climate and climate change vulgarization, in relation to vegetation sciences, I would need to find some reference sourced world map of annual mean temperature (monthly means would be nice but I'm looking for annual means as my principal focus) , in common raster or vector format which I could readily open with QGIS (or which I could easily georeference), something similar to these kind of maps (which I've found for precipitations) :
Rustemeier et al. 2020. « GPCC Precipitation Climatology Version 2020 at 0.25°: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation Climatology for Every Month and the Total Year from Rain-Gauges built on GTS-based and Historic Data: Globally Gridded Monthly Totals ». Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC).
My researches : Looking the generic web browser as well as scholar browser I mostly encounter
- some sourceless maps on website of poor credibility like : which is exactly the kind of map which I'm looking for (well it'd be nice to find some better resolution but, it's ok), the problem with the is that they give no source for the data, so I won't trust it, and would not like to base my vulgarization work on such poor information.
as well as
- maps of anomalies to normal temperatures like this on Berkeley : but this is NOT what I'm looking for,
Some results that look good but I'm unable to handle :
Climate Data Guide have Global (Land) precipitation and temperature: Willmott & Matsuura, University of Delaware, which provide ASCII (raster) files for each year from 1900 to 2014. These are text files with X, Y, and january to december mean temperature columns. When I try to open it within QGIS (as a raster) it says : "Could'nt determine X spacing raster layer"
I've found the ERA5 data :!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land-monthly-means?tab=overview but it comes as GRIB or NetCDF formats and I don't know how to handle such files. And I'm not willing to learn to use some new software.
I've tried to browse US's NOAA's ( ) but can't find what I'm looking for.
I've reach till GHCN Gridded Products : but these are like Berkeley's deviations to normal temperatures. Although it does seem to have annual means somewhere, but I can't find it.
My question is closely related to this one : Looking for 0.25x0.25 spatial resolution grid data for land surface temperature/precipitation but It would be ok to be oriented to maps at other resolutions, however, as already mentioned, the finer the better.