update: the full dataset is available here: https://ddosecrets.com/wiki/Parler
Files are accessible from two Amazon S3 buckets, ddosecrets-parler (32.1TB) and ddosecrets-parler-images (235GB).
At this time, we only have a partial scrape of text posts (1.6 million), which was provided by a 3rd party. The 18 GB torrent can be downloaded here: https://ddosecrets.com/images/d/de/Parler_2020-01-06_posts-partial.torrent
At the moment only the metadata is available. This means not the content itself, but the creation, id, creation date, and some gps tagging. The full dataset (70+ TB) is being processed by https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Parler and will be available soon.
Grab status: https://tracker.archiveteam.org/parler/
in the meantime, the metadata:
https://donk.sh/metadata.tar.gz (check for mirrors on this twitter thread)
Also a magnet torrent link:
MD5: 77299fb15bfa2356b542cdeec944e5c0
Jupyter notebook to parse gps-tagged metadata (videos): https://gist.github.com/kylemcdonald/8fdabd6526924012c1f5afe538d7dc09 (tweet)
I also made a parser for a different (meta)data source (this one was only gps-tagged videos in csv format): https://github.com/philshem/parler-switzerland