Where can I find an open detailed DEM/DTM model of Israel for some research?

I have found:

This one below is 25m and is nice (from the link), but a pdf, not the raster, is provided.

Israel Hall et al  1990s

  • 1
    What is the highest-resolution raster you've been able to find so far?
    – csk
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 18:05
  • the one in diva gis... not sure what's the resolution, but it's poor. Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 19:41

3 Answers 3


You can take the SRTM 1 arc (30m) by going through this web GUI https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/ to get the links. You need an account on NASA Earthdata (link in the GUI to create one)

Israel covered by 5 SRTM tiles e.g screencapture below

SRTM grid tiles 1 arc centered on Israel

You will need to merge these 5 tiles. You may use "gdalbuildvrt" (https://gdal.org/programs/gdalbuildvrt.html) to do so and then convert the resulting VRT with "gdal_translate" https://gdal.org/programs/gdal_translate.html Both command line utilities are provided by GDAL. You may also use QGIS to do the same using a GUI but "I do not know where you are starting from" concerning your skillsets.

PS: All tools mentioned are Open Source and the data is also available freely after creating your NASA account.


The resolution of the DEM from diva GIS is 30 seconds, which is about 800 to 900 m at 30 degrees latitude. That raster is aggregated from CGIAR-CSI source data, which is accurate to 3 seconds. That's about 90m resolution. You can get that 90m DEM here. It's broken up into separate tiles, and Israel falls across the dividing line between tiles, so you'll need to download multiple tiles.

  • Super, thaks so much. Any ideas as to the 25m raster that was developed by Hall et al in the 90's? Commented Dec 22, 2020 at 12:57

If you are an academic you may be able to source it from land info or purchase it from them , they appear to be offering it even down to 5m resolution?

  • That is what I would recommend is to find out if any higher education has it.
    Commented May 13, 2021 at 2:53

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