My reading of Datex-II (as of version 2.3) is that OpenLR locations are specified roughly like this for linear features:

<SituationRecord …>
  <!-- description of the event here -->
  <groupOfLocations xsi:type="Linear">
          <!-- location reference points here -->
        <oppositeDirection> <!-- where applicable -->
          <!-- location reference points here -->

Indeed I have seen Datex-II situation publications structured like this, and JAXB parses them nicely into the class scheme I generated from the XSD.

Now I am seeing feeds which have <openlrLineLocationReference> instead of <firstDirection>. Since the XSD appears to make no mention of that, JAXB ignores the <openlrLineLocationReference> element and the OpenlrExtendedLinear instance it returns contains no data (it has two members, firstDirection and oppositeDirection, both of which are null).

Is that incorrect data, or have I missed some part of the specs? (I see Datex-II 3.0 is out by now, but parsing the XSDs with JAXB failed—has this part of OpenLR been updated?)


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