Street Address to Coordinates
Street Address to Location calculates the latitude/longitude
coordinates for a postal address. Currently only the US and UK have
street-level detail.
Google-style Geocoder
Are you currently using Google's geocoding API and want to switch?
Replace with the address of a DSTK server and your
code should work without changes.
Coordinates to Political Areas
Returns the country, region, state, county, constituencies and
neighborhood a point is inside.
Text to Sentiment
Estimates whether a piece of text comment is complimentary or
Coordinates to Statistics
Returns the population density, elevation, terrain, climate, and other
conditions at a point.
Geodict pulls country, city and region names from unstructured English
text, and returns their coordinates.
IP Address to Coordinates
IP Address to Location calculates country, state, city and
latitude/longitude coordinates for IP addresses.
Text to Sentences
Removes the parts of the text that seem to be boilerplate, leaving the
real sentences.
HTML to Text
Returns the full text that would actually be displayed in the browser
when an HTML document was rendered.
HTML to Story
Takes an HTML document representing a news article or similar page,
and extracts just the story text.
Text to People
Spots text fragments that look like people's names or titles, and
guesses their gender where possible.
Text to Times
Spots text fragments that look like times or dates, and converts them
into a standard form.
File to Text
Converts PDFs, Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets to text. Recovers
text from JPEG, PNG or TIFF images of scanned documents.