I am looking for a database that contains the name of all the financial blogs out there.

Ideally each blog should be linked to the website it refers to (say, I need to be able to know that blog X is a blog from the financial Times).

2 Answers 2


Answers to this question are easily found with a search engine. For example,

A list of 789 financial blogs:

Top Personal Finance Blogs

There is no export, but the 7 pages of HTML-tables are pretty readable

<tr class="odd">
   <td class="col-counter">601</td>
   <td class="col-counter "></td>
   <td class="text col-name"><a href="/top-100-most-popular-personal-finance-blogs/borrow-from-none" title="View profile and stats for Borrow From None">Borrow From None</a></td>
   <td class="text col-name"><a href="http://www.borrowfromnone.com/" title="Visit Borrow From None" target="_blank"><img src="/top-100-most-popular-personal-finance-blogs/sites/wisebread.com.top-100-most-popular-personal-finance-blogs/themes/custom/ixbl/fugue-icons/icons/external.png" class="site-link-icon" /></a></td>
   <td class="col-twitter text"><a href="http://twitter.com/bfnJohn" class="twitter-link" target="_blank" title="Go to Borrow From None&#039;s Twitter page">bfnJohn</a></td>
   <td class="number">26.43</td>
   <td class="number">4.18</td>
   <td class="number">606</td>
   <td class="number">10.14</td>
   <td class="number">423</td>
   <td class="number">3,760,824</td>
   <td class="number">-</td>

And the corresponding view in the browser

enter image description here

Here's an online tool to convert HTML tables to CSV. There will be many others, although doing it yourself programmatically is probably the best bet.


Here's another list that's updated more frequently and has slightly different metrics, should also be easy to parse (minus the pagination):



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