I'm trying to get historical twitter data starting from 2010 with specific keywords related to S&P500 companies. I will probably end up using their tickers as keywords once I finalize my list of specific companies.
I'm unable to go back more than a week. Has anyone found a way to get around this? I need to be able to have code available for my research paper/presentation. I've tried TwitterSearch and Tweepy packages.
This is the code using TwitterSearch:
import datetime
from TwitterSearch import TwitterSearch, TwitterSearchOrder, TwitterSearchException
#the start and end of our twitter data
mindate = datetime.date(2010, 01, 01)
maxdate = datetime.date(2016, 01, 01)
tso = TwitterSearchOrder() # create a TwitterSearchOrder object
tso.set_keywords(['sp500', 's&p500']) # let's define all words we would like to have a look for
tso.set_language('en') # English tweets only
tso.set_include_entities(False) # entities...
tso.set_until(datetime.date(2016, 01, 01)) #this doesn't work...
# it's about time to create a TwitterSearch object with our secret tokens
ts = TwitterSearch(
consumer_key = 'REMOVED',
consumer_secret = 'REMOVED',
access_token = 'REMOVED',
access_token_secret = 'ALSO REMOVED'
# this is where the fun actually starts :)
for tweet in ts.search_tweets_iterable(tso):
print( '\n@%s tweeted: %s' % \
( tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text']) )
except TwitterSearchException as e:
I also need to be able to print the date of the tweet, how many likes/retweets it had, and possibly the number of followers the user has. Lastly, I need to be able to save all the data in a csv file.
Any help is greatly appreciated!