I am looking for a overview on hospitals and medical services provided by the public (and also by the private) healthcare sector in Europe.

  • public hospitals
  • private hospitals and medical clinics ...

I am looking for all the European Countries.

Requirements for each item:

  • name
  • address
  • postal code
  • town
  • street
  • website
  • (and email address)

4 Answers 4


There might not be a database covering all countries of Europe (for instance the non-democratic country Belarus does not publish much information). So if you need more data that OpenStreetMap has, you will probably need to go country-by-country. Below is the data for France.

The French government has created a website showing the list of all 4307 hospitals and clinics in France:


Click on "Voir la liste des établissements" to get the full list.


You will need to scrape that. Each hospital name has a link to its detailed information page:


I have just sent them a message asking for a dump of the data. They replied to me saying that all of their data comes from the FINESS database, which is also maintained by the French government, and available online "for private use" and unfortunately does not have dump downloads, so that would mean scraping that:


  • 1
    hello dear Nicolas - would be interesting to see a db-dump of the data - seems ot be a non-profit organization that is running the website. - look forward to hear from you - greetings
    – zero
    Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 18:24

Because you are looking for multiple countries, a good source of geo and meta data would be the Open Street Map project.

See, for example: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:healthcare

A key to tag all places that provide healthcare (are part of the healthcare sector).

You can use overpass-turbo to screen tags and keys, and then use taginfo to download data for those keys.

See here for more info of how people are using OSM.


hello butch miller hello philshem,

@ philshem: well said - i can second your ideas regarding the usage of openstreetmap. this is one of the best sources for gathering data.... so i wholeheartedly agree with you philshem.

i guess that butch miller benefits from usage overpass-turbo; this is a great tool.

i just have tested it with this code

[adiff:"2014-07-01T00:00:00Z"];area[name="Argentina"][boundary=administrative]->.a;(node(area.a)[amenity=hospital];way(area.a)[amenity=hospital];);out center;

of ourse this is not european - but southern america - but i think butch you get a glimpse of what is meant.

just let us know how you like this ideas...


if you are looking for good dental clinic in eastern Europe, I deffinately recommend [Protezavimas-imlantavimas clinic][1]

[1]: https://www.protezavimas-implantavimas.lt/lt/ in Vilnius, Lithuania.

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