Process mining assumes the existence of an event log where each event refers to a case, an activity, and a point in time. An event log can be seen as a collection of cases and a case as a trace/sequence of events.

Event data may come from a wide variety of sources:

  • a database system (e.g., patient data in a hospital),
  • a transaction log (e.g., a trading system),
  • a business suite/ERP system (SAP, Oracle, etc.),
  • a message log (e.g., from IBM middleware),
  • an open API providing data from websites or social media,

I am looking for publicly available event logs with csv or xes or any other available formats.

3 Answers 3


Process and Data Science Group - RWTH Aachen University


Available data sets in XES:

Available data sets in CSV:


Road Traffic Fines dataset from an Italian policing context.


Are there any event logs with location data? Found Flight.csv here, which has a city field, but was wondering if there is more data with location data: https://docs.celonis.com/en/event-log-sample-files.html

The datasets shared above don't seem to have such location data in any of them best I can tell.

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