I want to identify general medical terms
such as human, patient, hospitals, drugs
using LOD (e.g., wikipedia, dbpedia, wikidata etc.). In other words I am referring to medical terms that are less granular
as general terms
This give a clue that these terms should reside somewhere in the top of LOD's category hierarchy (more closer to medicine
category). However, I was unable to find a way of doing it using SPARQL (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55083424/how-to-get-the-number-of-hops-to-a-category-in-sparqlwrapper-in-dbpedia?noredirect=1#comment96917150_55083424)
Therefore, I thought that it would be great to get expert recoemmendations about the ways I can identify general terms
using LOD?
I am happy to provide more details/examples if needed.