I am hoping to estimate the number of five year-olds below various poverty thresholds by census tract. The ACS definitely asks these questions individually, but no data source I've found can provide this exact statistic. What I've tried:

  • American Fact Finder: Can produce summary tables of either estimated number of five year-olds by census tract or estimated number of individuals below poverty thresholds by census tract, but not a combination of the two. This goes for their online interface, their summary file, and FTP as far as I can tell.
  • IPUMS: Provides individual-level data that allows for such a combination of variables, but does not provide it at lower than the PUMA geographic level.

Does anyone know of a source that could provide me with such data? If it matters, I'm looking at 2015 5-year estimates.


2 Answers 2


To answer your first question: No, there is no open data version of the American Community Survey with PII (Personally Identifiable Information).

As for your original query, Table B17001, does provide the age breakdown between those below the statistical poverty threshold and those at or above the statistical poverty threshold.

The AFF link I provided is a modifiable link through something the Census Bureau calls deep linking. My suggestion is to figure out which state's Census Tracts you'll want, figure out the FIPS code for that/those state(s), and modify the link. You'll need to create at least two since the Census Bureau provides a limit on geographies per request if you're doing a nationwide download (last I checked the limit was 50,000 and there are ~74,000 Census Tracts).


If you are affiliated with academia, you can get to the detailed PII data through the Census Research Data Centers (https://www.census.gov/about/adrm/fsrdc/locations.html). They operate at an academic pace -- it takes 6-9 months to get your request considered.

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