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Looking for longitudinal population data by age and sex, any country

I'm looking for longitudinal population counts by age and sex, for any country.

Table 12411-0006 in the Destatis Genesis DB gives me exactly what I want for Germany, from 1970 through 2013. The first and last few rows look like this:

        Date    Age    Men  Women
1  1970-12-31    <1 401679 382934
2  1970-12-31     1 448827 427427
3  1970-12-31     2 483801 460014
4  1970-12-31     3 504306 480476
5  1970-12-31     4 518807 494128
6  1970-12-31     5 520701 494477
3780 2013-12-31    81 192308  283965
3781 2013-12-31    82 180011  278367
3782 2013-12-31    83 172021  280401
3783 2013-12-31    84 150841  257959
3784 2013-12-31   85+ 586360 1475780

Can anyone point me towards sources of similar data for other countries than Germany?

I have looked through other likely data sources but have not found anything helpful:


  • I'm fine with any country.
  • I'd like the data broken down by year of age, as above, but age categories ("0-4", "5-9", ...) would also be useful.
  • I'd like yearly data, but if this only exists in longer intervals (e.g., every 10 years, like US census data), that's also good.
  • Longer time series are better - anything less than 20 years won't let me do serious out of sample testing.