In order to make it into Linked Data and be easily reusable by as many mashups/apps/etc as possible..
It seems you are talking about RDF dumps, but there are other ways to provide access to RDF data, at least the following:
- SPARQL endpoint,
- URI dereferencing.
These ways are more convenient for the goals you are trying to achieve.
We have open data as a CSV file, about 200k lines, columns are mostly text.
I hope all these strings are implicit things. You should make them explicit. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense to "convert" your data to RDF.
It is extremely important that the format can be read by almost all libraries/triplestores.
Now, after 3 years, there is no problem with tool support. Anyway, it is possible to convert RDF from one serialization format to another using well known tools (e.g. Jena RIOT) or even online converters. The main criteria should be human readability.
As for related standard recommendations:
A note about JSON-LD
I'm a JSON-LD hater for two reasons:
JSON-LD is based on JSON approximately in the same way that RDF/XML is based on XML.
It is impossible to work with JSON-LD using dot as bracket notation — as well as it is impossible to work with RDF/XML having XML parser only. RDF/JSON was much better in that sense.
The JSON-LD authors said that the RDF data model is overcomplicates, but now they produce things like this:
If the expanded term definition contains the @container keyword, its value MUST be either @list, @set, @language, @index, @id, @graph, @type, or be null or an array containing exactly any one of those keywords, or a combination of @set and any of @index, @id, @graph, @type, @language in any order. @container may also be an array containing @graph along with either @id or @index and also optionally including @set.
A note about RDF HDT
RDF HDT looks really interesting.
HDT (Header, Dictionary, Triples) is a compact data structure and binary serialization format for RDF that keeps big datasets compressed to save space while maintaining search and browse operations without prior decompression. This makes it an ideal format for storing and sharing RDF datasets on the Web.
One of the authors is Claudio Gutierrez. There exists a GUI tool, see demo on YouTube.
From A More Decentralized Vision for Linked Data:
… a ”fifth Linked Data principle”:
- Publish your dataset as an HDT dump, including
VoID metadata as part of its header and declaring (i) the (authoritatively) owned namespaces, (ii) links
to previous and most current
versions of the dataset, (iii) and – whenever you use namespaces owned by other datasets or ontologies – the
links to specific versions of
these other datasets.